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The New Deal Farm Security Administration in the Lower Mississippi Delta:
Reading the Photographic Record
Essays and Pictures chronicling the FSA efforts in the Lower Mississippi Delta
Legacy on the Land: New Deal Resettlement in the Mississippi Delta
Photo Galleries from FSAs​
Map of SW Missouri, SE Arkansas, SW Mississippi, and NE Louisiana, with sites of several large FSA/RA project areas highlighted. Most of these were photographed by FSA photographers. Map compiled from GoogleEarth, 7-06
New Madrid, Missouri - LaForge Farms aka Southeast Missouri Farms
Hoxie, Arkansas - Clover Bend Project
Dyess, Arkansas - Dyess Colony
Pine Bluff, Arkansas - closest town to Lake Dick Cooperative
Sunflower, Mississippi - Sunflower Plantation Project
Mileston Project, Mississippi
Lake Providence, Louisiana - Transylvania Project, Lakeview Project -
Thomastown, Louisiana - LaDelta Project
Map of Transylvania
Map of SE Arkansas, SW Mississippi, and NE Louisiana, with Transylvania and associated FSA project areas highlighted. Map compiled from MapQuest, 7-02-06
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